Preserving This Historic Farm for Future Generations

Walk the fence beside this museum for a timeline of historic national events.
Walk the fence beside this museum for a timeline of historic national events.
Loghurst is a property of the Western Reserve Historical Society and is maintained by the Canfield Heritage Foundation. Local volunteers schedule special events throughout the summer and work to keep this historic home and 7 acre oasis open to the public.
Originally built in 1805 as a home for the Conrad Naff family, this historic log structure is thought to be the oldest remaining log home in the Western Reserve. Throughout the 19th & 20th centuries, this property was owned by several farming families, two of whom also operated a tavern, or rest stop, for weary travelers. During the decade of 1835-1845, Loghurst served as a stop on the Underground Railroad, helping provide safe passage for slaves fleeing the slaveowners of the South. Reopened as a museum and dedicated to historical preservation.
The Canfield Heritage Foundation was formed as a non-profit entity to oversee the maintenance of the Loghurst Farm Museum and 7 acre property. The Board of Directors meets semi-monthly and welcomes new members. Call 330.533.4330 or email for more information.
There are so many ways to support our mission. Contact us to find out more about volunteer opportunities, fundraising events, and ways to get our message to your community. Support this museum and local historical preservation by becoming a member of the Canfield Heritage Foundation. Click on Contact Us for more information.
3967 Boardman Canfield Road, Canfield, Ohio 44406, United States
(330) 533-4330 Mailing Address: PO Box 411, Canfield, OH 44406